+1 on what we should do.

On Mon, Aug 13, 2018 at 3:06 PM, Tom Graves <tgraves...@yahoo.com.invalid>

> > I mean, what are concrete steps beyond saying this is a problem? That's
> the important thing to discuss.
> Sorry I'm a bit confused by your statement but also think I agree.  I
> started this thread for this reason. I pointed out that I thought it was a
> problem and also brought up things I thought we could do to help fix it.
> Maybe I wasn't clear in the first email, the list of things I had were
> proposals on what we do for a jira that is for a correctness/data loss
> issue. Its the committers and developers that are involved in this though
> so if people don't agree or aren't going to do them, then it doesn't work.
> Just to restate what I think we should do:
> - label any correctness/data loss jira with "correctness"
> - jira should be marked as a blocker by default if someone suspects a
> corruption/loss issue
> - Make sure the description is clear about when it occurs and impact to
> the user.
> - ensure its back ported to all active branches
> - See if we can have a separate section in the release notes for these
> The last one I guess is more a one time thing that i can file a jira for.
> The first 4 would be done for each jira filed.
> I'm proposing we do these things and as such if people agree we would also
> document those things in the committers or developers guide and send email
> to the list.
> Tom
> On Monday, August 13, 2018, 11:17:22 AM CDT, Sean Owen <sro...@apache.org>
> wrote:
> Generally: if someone thinks correctness fix X should be backported
> further, I'd say just do it, if it's to an active release branch (see
> below). Anything that important has to outweigh most any other concern,
> like behavior changes.
> On Mon, Aug 13, 2018 at 11:08 AM Tom Graves <tgraves...@yahoo.com> wrote:
> I'm not really sure what you mean by this, this proposal is to introduce a
> process for this type of issue so its at least brought to peoples
> attention. We can't do anything to make people work on certain things.  If
> they aren't raised as important issues then its really easy to miss these
> things.  If its a blocker we should also not be doing any new releases
> without a fix for it which may motivate people to look at it.
> I mean, what are concrete steps beyond saying this is a problem? That's
> the important thing to discuss.
> There's a good one here: let's say anything that's likely to be a
> correctness or data loss issue should automatically be labeled
> 'correctness' as such and set to Blocker.
> That can go into the how-to-contribute manual in the docs and in a note to
> dev@.
> I agree it would be good for us to make it more official about which
> branches are being maintained.  I think at this point its still 2.1.x,
> 2.2.x, and 2.3.x since we recently did releases of all of these.  Since 2.4
> will be coming out we should definitely think about stop maintaining
> 2.1.x.  Perhaps we need a table on our release page about this.  But this
> should be a separate thread.
> I propose writing something like this in the 'versioning' doc page, to at
> least establish a policy:
> Minor release branches will, generally, be maintained with bug fixes
> releases for a period of 18 months. For example, branch 2.1.x is no longer
> considered maintained as of July 2018, 18 months after the release of 2.1.0
> in December 2106.
> This gives us -- and more importantly users -- some understanding of what
> to expect for backporting and fixes.
> I am going to revive the thread about adding PMC / committers as it's
> overdue. That may not do much, but, more hands to do more work ought to
> possibly free up people to focus on deeper harder issues.

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