On Fri, Oct 5, 2018 at 7:54 AM Rob Vesse <rve...@dotnetrdf.org> wrote:
> Ideally this would all just be handled automatically for users in the way 
> that all other resource managers do

I think you're giving other resource managers too much credit. In
cluster mode, only YARN really distributes local dependencies, because
YARN has that feature (its distributed cache) and Spark just uses it.

Standalone doesn't do it (see SPARK-4160) and I don't remember seeing
anything similar on the Mesos side.

There are things that could be done; e.g. if you have HDFS you could
do a restricted version of what YARN does (upload files to HDFS, and
change the "spark.jars" and "spark.files" URLs to point to HDFS
instead). Or you could turn the submission client into a file server
that the cluster-mode driver downloads files from - although that
requires connectivity from the driver back to the client.

Neither is great, but better than not having that feature.

Just to be clear: in client mode things work right? (Although I'm not
really familiar with how client mode works in k8s - never tried it.)


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