adding new k8s functionality?

something need upgrading in jenkins?

are logs not being archived?

odd build failure (and i mean *odd*)?


adding a @shaneknapp to a PR github is no longer working for me as the
volume and complexity of requests has been increasing.  i will now consider
these mentions a 'best effort' problem, and they will generally gravitate
towards the bottom of my queue.

i will however, pay attention to JIRA.  please file issues accordingly, and
either assign or @ me so i can investigate and triage.

also, please add the 'jenkins' component to any new issues.

i'm aware that primarily working through github has been the preferred
method to get my undivided attention for a number of years, and re-training
ourselves might take a while.  to that end, i will update the spark
website's dev page w/these instructions and reply w/gentle reminders when i
get mentioned on JIRA-worthy things on github.

on a related note:  i'm working on getting a bit more in resources on my
end, particularly on the back-end (ubuntu 18, jenkins 2.x upgrade,
finishing ubuntu port of builds) but it will take some time for spin-up,
testing and eventual deployment.  one of my team will start helping me out
w/that stuff soon, but only part-time...  however, i have faith that he can
bang away at the myriad parallel projects i've had going on for the past
couple of years and in a few months we'll be in a much, much better spot.

thanks in advance,

Shane Knapp
UC Berkeley EECS Research / RISELab Staff Technical Lead

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