I've submitted two spark applications in cluster of 3 standalone nodes in
near the same time (I have bash script to submit them one after one without
delay). But something goes wrong. In the master UI, Running applications
section show both of my job with true configuration (cores, memory and
different application-id) but both of redirect to port number 4040 which is
listen by second submitted job.
I think it could be race condition in UI but found nothing in logs. Could
you help me to investigate where should I look for reason?

Best Regards


Moein Hosseini
Data Engineer
mobile: +98 912 468 1859 <+98+912+468+1859>
site: www.moein.xyz
email: moein...@gmail.com
[image: linkedin] <https://www.linkedin.com/in/moeinhm>
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