Yeah I don't think the pyspark change was intentional; I'm trying to help
assess what the impact is though.

It may be a dumb question, but, what problem does the change cause? is it
beyond what I mentioned below? you have a project with interdependent
Python and Scala components?

On Fri, Apr 26, 2019 at 11:02 AM Michael Heuer <> wrote:

> We certainly can't be the only project downstream of Spark that includes
> Scala versioned artifacts in our release.  Our python library on PyPI
> depends on pyspark, our Bioconda recipe depends on the pyspark Conda
> recipe, and our Homebrew formula depends on the apache-spark Homebrew
> formula.
> Using Scala 2.12 in the binary distribution for Spark 2.4.2 was
> unintentional and never voted on.  There was a successful vote to default
> to Scala 2.12 in Spark version 3.0.
>    michael
> On Apr 26, 2019, at 9:52 AM, Sean Owen <> wrote:
> To be clear, what's the nature of the problem there... just Pyspark apps
> that are using a Scala-based library? Trying to make sure we understand
> what is and isn't a problem here.

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