There is no internal write up, but I think we should at least give some
up-to-date description on that JIRA entry.

On Wed, Oct 2, 2019 at 3:13 PM Reynold Xin <> wrote:

> No there is no separate write up internally.
> On Wed, Oct 2, 2019 at 12:29 PM Ryan Blue <> wrote:
>> Thanks for the pointers, but what I'm looking for is information about
>> the design of this implementation, like what requires this to be in
>> spark-sql instead of spark-catalyst.
>> Even a high-level description, like what the optimizer rules are and what
>> they do would be great. Was there one written up internally that you could
>> share?
>> On Wed, Oct 2, 2019 at 10:40 AM Maryann Xue <>
>> wrote:
>>> > It lists 3 cases for how a filter is built, but nothing about the
>>> overall approach or design that helps when trying to find out where it
>>> should be placed in the optimizer rules.
>>> The overall idea/design of DPP can be simply put as using the result of
>>> one side of the join to prune partitions of a scan on the other side. The
>>> optimal situation is when the join is a broadcast join and the table being
>>> partition-pruned is on the probe side. In that case, by the time the probe
>>> side starts, the filter will already have the results available and ready
>>> for reuse.
>>> Regarding the place in the optimizer rules, it's preferred to happen
>>> late in the optimization, and definitely after join reorder.
>>> Thanks,
>>> Maryann
>>> On Wed, Oct 2, 2019 at 12:20 PM Reynold Xin <> wrote:
>>>> Whoever created the JIRA years ago didn't describe dpp correctly, but
>>>> the linked jira in Hive was correct (which unfortunately is much more terse
>>>> than any of the patches we have in Spark
>>>> Henry R's
>>>> description was also correct.
>>>> On Wed, Oct 02, 2019 at 9:18 AM, Ryan Blue <>
>>>> wrote:
>>>>> Where can I find a design doc for dynamic partition pruning that
>>>>> explains how it works?
>>>>> The JIRA issue, SPARK-11150, doesn't seem to describe
>>>>> dynamic partition pruning (as pointed out by Henry R.) and doesn't have 
>>>>> any
>>>>> comments about the implementation's approach. And the PR description also
>>>>> doesn't have much information. It lists 3 cases for how a filter is built,
>>>>> but nothing about the overall approach or design that helps when trying to
>>>>> find out where it should be placed in the optimizer rules. It also isn't
>>>>> clear why this couldn't be part of spark-catalyst.
>>>>> On Wed, Oct 2, 2019 at 1:48 AM Wenchen Fan <>
>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>> dynamic partition pruning rule generates "hidden" filters that will
>>>>>> be converted to real predicates at runtime, so it doesn't matter where we
>>>>>> run the rule.
>>>>>> For PruneFileSourcePartitions, I'm not quite sure. Seems to me it's
>>>>>> better to run it before join reorder.
>>>>>> On Sun, Sep 29, 2019 at 5:51 AM Ryan Blue <>
>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>> Hi everyone,
>>>>>>> I have been working on a PR that moves filter and projection
>>>>>>> pushdown into the optimizer for DSv2, instead of when converting to
>>>>>>> physical plan. This will make DSv2 work with optimizer rules that 
>>>>>>> depend on
>>>>>>> stats, like join reordering.
>>>>>>> While adding the optimizer rule, I found that some rules appear to
>>>>>>> be out of order. For example, PruneFileSourcePartitions that
>>>>>>> handles filter pushdown for v1 scans is in SparkOptimizer
>>>>>>> (spark-sql) in a batch that will run after all of the batches in
>>>>>>> Optimizer (spark-catalyst) including CostBasedJoinReorder.
>>>>>>> SparkOptimizer also adds the new “dynamic partition pruning” rules
>>>>>>> *after* both the cost-based join reordering and the v1 partition
>>>>>>> pruning rule. I’m not sure why this should run after join reordering and
>>>>>>> partition pruning, since it seems to me like additional filters would be
>>>>>>> good to have before those rules run.
>>>>>>> It looks like this might just be that the rules were written in the
>>>>>>> spark-sql module instead of in catalyst. That makes some sense for the 
>>>>>>> v1
>>>>>>> pushdown, which is altering physical plan details (FileIndex) that
>>>>>>> have leaked into the logical plan. I’m not sure why the dynamic 
>>>>>>> partition
>>>>>>> pruning rules aren’t in catalyst or why they run after the v1 predicate
>>>>>>> pushdown.
>>>>>>> Can someone more familiar with these rules clarify why they appear
>>>>>>> to be out of order?
>>>>>>> Assuming that this is an accident, I think it’s something that
>>>>>>> should be fixed before 3.0. My PR fixes early pushdown, but the 
>>>>>>> “dynamic”
>>>>>>> pruning may still need to be addressed.
>>>>>>> rb
>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>> Ryan Blue
>>>>>>> Software Engineer
>>>>>>> Netflix
>>>>> --
>>>>> Ryan Blue
>>>>> Software Engineer
>>>>> Netflix
>> --
>> Ryan Blue
>> Software Engineer
>> Netflix

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