On Thu, Feb 18, 2021 at 10:34 AM Sean Owen <sro...@gmail.com> wrote:

> There is no way to force people to review or commit something of course.
> And keep in mind we get a lot of, shall we say, unuseful pull requests.
> There is occasionally some blowback to closing someone's PR, so the path of
> least resistance is often the timeout / 'soft close'. That is, it takes a
> lot more time to satisfactorily debate down the majority of PRs that
> probably shouldn't get merged, and there just isn't that much bandwidth.
> That said of course it's bad if lots of good PRs are getting lost in the
> shuffle and I am sure there are some.
> One other aspect is that a committer is taking some degree of
> responsibility for merging a change, so the ask is more than just a few
> minutes of eyeballing. If it breaks something the merger pretty much owns
> resolving it, and, the whole project owns any consequence of the change for
> the future.


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