On Wed, Apr 7, 2021 at 6:30 AM Hyukjin Kwon <gurwls...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Thanks Martin for your feedback.
> > What was your reason to migrate from Apache Jenkins to Github Actions ?
> I am sure there were more reasons for migrating from Amplap Jenkins
> <https://amplab.cs.berkeley.edu/jenkins/> to GitHub Actions but as far as
> I can remember:
> - To reduce the maintenance cost of machines
> - The Jenkins machines became unstable and slow causing CI jobs to fail or
> be very flaky.
> - Difficulty to manage the installed libraries.
> - Intermittent unknown issues in the machines
> also:

- uc berkeley has been hosting the build system for spark for ~10 years
"free of charge"
- funding for the build system is going away (amplab funded first, riselab
- i have been managing the build system solo for 7 years and my job is much
different now...
- since there are no funds coming from research labs, i am unable to staff
the build system past 2021 (tbh, even this year is a stretch)
- the hardware is far past EOL and literally falling over
- jenkins is, and always will be a PITA to run

Shane Knapp
Computer Guy / Voice of Reason
UC Berkeley EECS Research / RISELab Staff Technical Lead

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