Hi, all

I tried to verify the possibility of *Linux arm64 scheduled job *using
self-hosted action, below is some progress and I would like to hear
suggestion from you in the next step (continue or stop).

Related JIRA: SPARK-35607

*## About self-hosted Github Action:*
Currently, self-hosted action supported x64(Linux, macOS, Windows),
ARM64(Linux only), ARM32(Linux only)

There is guidance on self-hosted runners from Apache Infra
The gap to enable self-hosted runner on Apache repo is resource security
considerations, specifically, it's to prevent the self-hosted runner from
being accessed by unallow users' PR. As info and suggestion from ASF, the
apache/airflow team maintained a custom runner
<https://github.com/ashb/runner/tree/releases/pr-security-options>, and
it's also used by apache/airflow in their CI. So, we could just use this

TLDR, what we needed is setup resource with custom runner, then enable
these resources in self-hosted action.

*## Test on self-hosted Github Action with custom runner:*
Here is some tries on my local repo:
1. Spark Maven/SBT test:
PR: https://github.com/apache/spark/pull/35088
TEST: https://github.com/Yikun/spark/pull/51
2. PySpark test:
PR: https://github.com/apache/spark/pull/35049
TEST: https://github.com/Yikun/spark/pull/53
3. Pull request test on unallow user:
TEST: https://github.com/Yikun/spark/pull/60
The self-hosted runner will prevent the PR access the runner due to
"Running job on worker spark-github-runner-0001 disallowed by security

*## Pros of self-hosted github aciton:*
- Satisfy the simple demands of Linux arm64 sheduled jobs.
- Reuse the main workflow of github action.
- All changes are visible on github is easy to review.
- Easy to migrate when official GA arm64 support ready.

*## What's the next step:*
* If we can also consider self-hosted action as optional, I will submit a
JIRA on Apache Infra to request the token to continue, like:
* If we certainly think that self-hosted action is not a wise choice, I
will try to find other way.

There are also some initial discusson, just FYI:


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