
We have been indicated with lots of issues with the current FileStream
sink. The effort to fix these issues are quite significant, and it ended up
with derivation of "Data Lake" products.

I'd recommend not to fix the issue but leave it as its limitation, and
integrate your workload with Data Lake products. For a full disclaimer, I
work in Databricks so I might be biased, but even when I was working at the
previous employer which didn't have the Data Lake product at that time, I
also had to agree that there are too many things to fix, and the effort
would be fully redundant with existing products.

Maybe, it might be helpful to have an "at-least-once" version of FileStream
sink, where a metadata directory is no longer needed. It may require the
implementation to go back to the old way of atomic renaming, but it will
also get rid of the necessity of a metadata directory, so someone might
find it useful. For end-to-end exactly once, people can either use a
limited current FileStream sink or use Data Lake products. I don't see the
value in making improvements to the current FileStream sink.

Jungtaek Lim (HeartSaVioR)

On Sun, Apr 16, 2023 at 2:52 AM Wojciech Indyk <wojciechin...@gmail.com>

> Hi!
> I raised a ticket on parametrisable output metadata path
> https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/SPARK-43152.
> I am going to raise a PR against it and I realised, that this relatively
> simple change impacts on method hasMetadata(path), that would have a new
> meaning if we can define custom path for metadata of output files. Can you
> please share your opinion on  how the custom output metadata path can
> impact on design of structured streaming?
> E.g. I can see one case when I set a parameter of output metadata path,
> run a job on output path A, stop the job, change the output path to B and
> hasMetadata works well. If you have any corner case in mind where the
> parametrised output metadata path can break something please describe it.
> --
> Kind regards/ Pozdrawiam,
> Wojciech Indyk

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