Hi all,

I'd like to start the vote for SPIP: PySpark Test Framework.

The high-level summary for the SPIP is that it proposes an official test
framework for PySpark. Currently, there are only disparate open-source
repos and blog posts for PySpark testing resources. We can streamline and
simplify the testing process by incorporating test features, such as a
PySpark Test Base class (which allows tests to share Spark sessions) and
test util functions (for example, asserting dataframe and schema equality).

*SPIP doc:*

*JIRA ticket:* https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/SPARK-44042

*Discussion thread:*

Please vote on the SPIP for the next 72 hours:
[ ] +1: Accept the proposal as an official SPIP
[ ] +0
[ ] -1: I don’t think this is a good idea because __.

Thank you!

Amanda Liu

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