While we're noodling on the topic, what else might be worth removing in
Spark 4?

For example, looks like we're finally hitting problems supporting Java 8
through 21 all at once, related to Scala 2.13.x updates. It would be
reasonable to require Java 11, or even 17, as a baseline for the multi-year
lifecycle of Spark 4.

Dare I ask: drop Scala 2.12? supporting 2.12 / 2.13 / 3.0 might get hard

There was a good discussion about whether old deprecated methods should be
removed. They can't be removed at other times, but, doesn't mean they all
*should* be. createExternalTable was brought up as a first example. What
deprecated methods are worth removing?

There's Mesos support, long since deprecated, which seems like something to

Are there old Hive/Hadoop version combos we should just stop supporting?

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