Hi devs,

PySpark allows to transform a |DataFrame| via Pandas *and* Arrow API:

df.mapInArrow(map_arrow, schema="...")
df.mapInPandas(map_pandas, schema="...")

For |df.groupBy(...)| and |df.groupBy(...).cogroup(...)|, there is *only* a Pandas interface, no Arrow interface:

df.groupBy("id").applyInPandas(apply_pandas, schema="...")

Providing a pure Arrow interface allows user code to use *any* Arrow-based data framework, not only Pandas, e.g. Polars. Adding Arrow interfaces reduces the need to add more framework-specific support.

We need your thoughts on whether PySpark should support Arrow on a par with Pandas, or not: https://github.com/apache/spark/pull/38624


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