Hi Patrick

        What does that means for drop YARN 2.2? seems codes are still there. 
You mean if build upon 2.2 it will break, and won't and work right? Since the 
home made akka build on scala 2.10 are not there. While, if for this case, can 
we just use akka 2.3-M1 which run on protobuf 2.5 for replacement?

Best Regards,
Raymond Liu

-----Original Message-----
From: Patrick Wendell [mailto:pwend...@gmail.com] 
Sent: Thursday, December 12, 2013 4:21 PM
To: dev@spark.incubator.apache.org
Subject: Scala 2.10 Merge

Hi Developers,

In the next few days we are planning to merge Scala 2.10 support into Spark. 
For those that haven't been following this, Prashant Sharma has been 
maintaining the scala-2.10 branch of Spark for several months. This branch is 
current with master and has been reviewed for merging:


Scala 2.10 support is one of the most requested features for Spark - it will be 
great to get this into Spark 0.9! Please note that *Scala 2.10 is not binary 
compatible with Scala 2.9*. With that in mind, I wanted to give a few 
heads-up/requests to developers:

If you are developing applications on top of Spark's master branch, those will 
need to migrate to Scala 2.10. You may want to download and test the current 
scala-2.10 branch in order to make sure you will be okay as Spark developments 
move forward. Of course, you can always stick with the current master commit 
and be fine (I'll cut a tag when we do the merge in order to delineate where 
the version changes). Please open new threads on the dev list to report and 
discuss any issues.

This merge will temporarily drop support for YARN 2.2 on the master branch.
This is because the workaround we used was only compiled for Scala 2.9. We are 
going to come up with a more robust solution to YARN 2.2 support before 
releasing 0.9.

Going forward, we will continue to make maintenance releases on branch-0.8 
which will remain compatible with Scala 2.9.

For those interested, the primary code changes in this merge are upgrading the 
akka version, changing the use of Scala 2.9's ClassManifest construct to Scala 
2.10's ClassTag, and updating the spark shell to work with Scala 2.10's repl.

- Patrick

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