Michael Rasmussen wrote:

Sorry if this comes thru as an HTML post.  This is my first post to the
list.  Let me know if it is a problem.

I have been using struts for a while now and really like it. I have also
used asp.net and really like some of the features in the ms framework.

I am excited at the prospect of JSF bringing these features to JSP/Java.
One thing I really think is missing is support for mobile profiles. (Cell
phones/wap/pda's) I think struts faces would be a great place to try to put
some of that together. I am interested in doing this and wondering how to
go about getting set up and if there are others interested. Michael

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This response is very late (I've been too busy for words lately). But I would recommend that mobile profiles as you describe would make a good candidate for a stand-alone library of pure JavaServer Faces components and renderers ... they need not be tied to Struts, as they would be if included in struts-faces directly. The only thing that should be in struts-faces (IMHO) is bindings to tie the two frameworks together, plus a few tags to make the transition easier for existing Struts based apps -- and one could easily argue that even those should be separated from the core integration library.

Craig McClanahan

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