On Wed, 1 Sep 2004 18:45:22 -0400, Deadman, Hal <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Maybe Craig's point was that you could put two copies of the tld in the jar's 
> META-INF, one with the old URI and one with the new. The tlds would be otherwise 
> identical but auto-discovery would work no matter what URI the application was 
> using. Not sure how else you would acheive this:

That was exactly my point.

> >  (Struts 1.2.x should recognize both the old and new tag library URIs,
> > but shouldn't require applications to switch.)

Otherwise, a Struts 1.1 application that relies on the implicit TLD
registration done by the container (i.e. *not* listing the TLDs
explicitly in web.xml) will go down in flames when run against Struts
1.2.x, unless you go fix the taglib directives in every single page.

Basically, it's the same reason that Struts 1.2.x accepts and
processes 1.0 and 1.1 versions of struts-config.xml files ... so that
older apps can run with minimal changes when you upgrade Struts.

It turns out that this doesn't matter for the particular commit
message I replied on (which only changed the URI for the struts-faces
TLD), but it's an important backwards compatibility principle in


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