At 4:50 PM +0200 9/2/04, Hamrita Sami wrote:

does Struts support escaping special charachters for HTML GUIs (e.g. ü -->
ü) when using its custom tags library?
If yes, how to enable that feature then?

Struts doesn't convert characters to HTML entities. Instead, you should control the character encoding of your pages so that the characters can be displayed correctly without entities.

A general easy way to do this with JSPs is to set the content-type of the page with a JSP @page directive like this:

<%@ page contentType="text/html; charset=UTF-8" %>

Of course, you may need to use a different charset, but UTF-8 is a pretty good default.

There are other ways to set the character encoding, but this one is simplest to me. Note that if you use tiles or other JSP include strategies, only the first content-type is honored - it is ignored in pages that write to an output stream that already has been "started".

Hope this helps.

Joe Germuska
"In fact, when I die, if I don't hear 'A Love Supreme,' I'll turn back; I'll know I'm in the wrong place."
- Carlos Santana

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