Wanted to run this by some folks:

Our largest Struts application has become a total memory hog. This has led our system administrator to take a crash source in the under-development JBoss profiler. We're not expert in reading the output of that, but it seems to point back to a lot of memory being used by the HashMap of dispatch methods kept by MappingDispatchAction. If I've got my we have over 200 action mappings in this app, and I suspect that every one of them uses MappingDispatchAction.

Assuming for now that we are actually reading the profiler correctly, is there any reason why that map shouldn't just be made a WeakHashMap? When it comes down to reflection, I don't really have a good idea of when Method objects would be created or going out of scope, but considering how casual Struts is about using reflection in general, how bad could it be to have an extra reflection call for those times when a Method gets garbage collected out of the WeakHashMap?

If anyone out there has more experience using the JBoss profiler, you might be able to coach us to better analysis.

Thanks in advance,

Joe Germuska [EMAIL PROTECTED] http://blog.germuska.com "In fact, when I die, if I don't hear 'A Love Supreme,' I'll turn back; I'll know I'm in the wrong place."
- Carlos Santana

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