> -----Original Message-----
> From: Ted Husted [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> +1 
> Ditto for Subversion. I was stunned by how many Subversion 
> questions there were. It's obvious that a lot of people can 
> use a "compelling replacement for CVS", that is easy to 
> install and plays well with Windows. I think by moving Struts 
> to Subversion, we are leading by example, and may help a lot 
> of teams down a better path. 
> -Ted.

We are thinking of looking at Subversion for Expresso Framework etc, 
so we'ill probably follow your lead. I wonder when / if sourceforge.net
will use it in the near term.


> On Sun, 10 Oct 2004 00:10:53 +0100, Marco Tedone wrote:
> > In my company we recently switched to Maven and Struts. Personally
> > I believe Maven is great, not only for the 'xdocs' facility, but
> > from a project management point of view. Its greatest benefit, IMO,
> > is to offer developers a common repository, via the dependency
> > mechanism, promoting integreation of jars versions and component
> > modularization. Amongst its other benefits, I certainly like the
> > fact that Maven promotes versioning stability (through the SNAPSHOT
> > option), it links to CVS repositories creating web reports about
> > developers activities and files checked in/out and the plugin
> > mechanism. If I want to use Ant, as Maven has been defined as an
> > 'Ant wrapper', I simply use ant scripts from within the Maven build
> > files. I believe that offering the possibility of building Struts
> > (and other open source projects) through Maven, will increase also
> > the projects' popularity and contributions. I remember that before
> > Maven, I often given up building from the source because of the
> > dependencies. Today I've downloaded version 1.2.4 of Struts, built
> > through Maven, and except from the build process hanging in the
> > middle a couple of times while downloading jars (I had to restart
> > it a couple of times), the built went on as smoothly as a piece of
> > cake.
> >
Peter Pilgrim
Operations/IT - Credit Suisse First Boston, 
10 South Colonnade, London E14 4QJ, United Kingdom
Tel: +44 (0)207 883 4447

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