Michael McGrady wrote:

I would never add something that is a mere solution to a non-framework problem.

But this is really the crux of the debate, and is also the reason I find myself simultaneously agreeing and disagreeing with you :)

The distinction between what is a "mere solution to a non-framework problem" and what can be properly thought of as an extension to a framework is generally not at all an easy question to answer. Much of what you say I think hinges on your belief in what belongs and what doesn't, not concrete technical issues. Seems like an obvious statement, but I'm not sure it is...

For instance, you keep bringing up the ImageButtonBean, and to be honest I don't know anything about it, so I can't comment on whether I think your right or not technical-speaking. I'm sure there's been a lot of debate about whether including it is right or not. And who's to say, strictly speaking who's right? Only the committers really in the end.

What criteria is really "right" to decide by? I've expressed my criteria already... Any addition shouldn't add any unnecassery work for a developer if the addition isn't used, it shouldn't have any performance or load impact if not used and it should address a commonly-encountered issue. How you define "commonly-encountered" can make all the difference... Is something that 10% of developers run into common enough? 25%? 50%? 90%? Above what percentage is valid and below invalid? Tough to say.

You've said that you believe Struts is going in the wrong direction in terms of what is included... Can you give some concrete examples, aside from the ImageButtonBean, to substantiate this? You might be completely right and might get a lot of people rallying to your position, but it's hard to say without more precise details.

Otherwise it's really just a gut feeling, which is fine, but is no more valid than anyone else' gut feeling I think (mine very much included!)

Thanks for the discussion, Frank.  I appreciate it.


You as well Michael. Healthy debate is, well, HEALTHY! :)

Frank W. Zammetti
Founder and Chief Software Architect
Omnytex Technologies

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