How about if we follow the HTTPD protocol but replace the term

"Alpha Release"


"Alpha Build"

and then refer to a "distribution" when we could be talking about a "Alpha Build" or 
"Beta Release" or "GA Release".


And, yes, I would agree that there should be one release protocol for the project, 
which all subprojects, including the core, would follow.


On Mon, 18 Oct 2004 12:25:32 -0700, Craig McClanahan wrote:
> +1 on the "test build then vote to rank" approach that Tomcat uses.
> As an additional clarification, I presume that we will want the
> same release process for any subproject releases?  This is becoming
> timely as the opportunity for a 1.0.1 release of struts-faces draws
> nigh.  It might be worth mentioning this in the release guidelines
> as well, including the explicit requirement that any release vote
> involve the entire committer community (with PMC votes binding, as
> usual) -- not just the developers who might happen to be working on
> that subproject. After all, the subprojects will still say "Struts"
> on them, and we're all going to care about that reputation.
> Craig

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