On  Wed, 27 Oct 2004 16:34:51 -0400, "Ted Husted"

>> Instead of taking the approach of predicting what
>> developers might want from Struts and JSF in the
>> future

> You probably have little to worry about in this
> regard, Scott. :)

Really? I am glad to hear that Shale will be
efficiently solving all my future web application
development problems. I can now rest easy. :)

> Few, if any of us, are doing this for fun or profit.

I would recommend that you try doing stuff for fun and
profit. It has worked for me.

> We do Struts, and would do Shale, because we want
> to use the frameworks in our applications. Which, I
> imagine, are much like yours :)

If your applications are like mine then why are you
not thinking of how you can be more productive in
building your apps via the sharing of and
collaborating on reusable application components, in
addition to leveraging the very slim framework
currently known as Struts.

> For the most part, the development of Struts and
> Shale is driven by what we need to do in our own
> applications.

Are these applications innovative? Can this innovation
be shared? My suggestion of a reference application
for Shale that also served as an authoring tool for
applications running on the framework was motivated in
part by hopes for it becoming a proving ground for
innovative approaches that could be adopted and built

> But, do keep in mind that  we are all working
> developers here. Most of us are already writing
> applications full-time (at least I am), and then
> working on the framework at night :)

The basis of this proposal was to suggest an efficient
and productive approach to get wherever you (and
hopefully most everyone else) want to go. If the
investment in a 1st class reference application and
reusable common application components is proven an
inefficient use of resources then I would like to
understand why. I firmly believe taking the approach
of identifying what type of application meets the
needs of the Struts developer community, identifying
what kinds of tools would be useful for this
development process, develop a production release of
the sample application along with tools that
demonstrated enhanced productivity, and *then* culling
off reusable components as the framework layer could
be a successful and efficient process.

> Incidentally, the idea behind the Struts SourceForge
> site was to host "community" applications. Perhaps
> this will be a chance to get back to doing that
> again.

What is currently lacking from the original vision for
this repository?

> The application you mention at the end of your post
> seems ambitious, but some "Starter Kits" would be a
> very good idea. Our friends at ASP.NET offer

My thought was that it should be ambitious in scope to
demonstrate a complete solution that could easily be
simplified during the developer's repurposing of the
reference application. My thinking is related to my
observations of how Eclipse and Netbeans are becoming
reference applications in addition to their primary
function of being IDEs.

The tool I alluded to does not have to be a full blown
IDE from its inception.  Its first iteration could be
a web application or service that spit out a WAR that
could be used to assemble a slide show application. If
that first step were taken by leveraging a portion of
the Netbeans code base that is sitting in your web
app's /WEB-INF/lib/ directory, then you have some
confidence in succeeding with the evolving of this
simple app to whatever a hosted browser-based IDE UI
should look and behave like.


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