> > 3.1 Java2 Standard Edition APIs
> I'd be +1 for J2SE 5.0

Although I have no real saying in this, I am +1 on J2SE 5.0 as well. As I
would anticipate 1-2 years in development on Struts 2.x, J2SE 5.0 should
be widely deployed by then. If not, then our "endorsement" of it could
encourage people to make the switch. ;) Plus, it could stand as a
marketing bonus - in support of our "revolutionary" path.

Quick questions regarding Commons Logging proposal:

Letting people choose their logging implementation is not a bad idea, but
I've been hearing negative things about Commons Logging in its ability to
detect the correct implementation to use. Something about classpath
problems, if I remember correctly? Are these issues solved? Again, this is
just little me's two cents, but I am in favor of minimizing third party
dependencies as much as possible, and I don't see very much reason not to
use the JDK 1.4 implementation. Anyone?


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