I didn't see anything in that proposal that couldn't be satisfied by Struts Flow, but I could have missed something. If so, we could supplement Struts Flow to support it. Converting Javascript objects to Maps should be a sufficient way to handle compatibility with existing Struts capabilities.

Struts Flow will be added to Struts soon as an official sub-project, as will Struts BSF, so hopefully folks wanting these features will join the project and contribute.


Frank W. Zammetti wrote:

That sounds pretty cool Don! I guess it leads to the question (for you Struts committe members, not me) whether what you describe suffices and just leave it at that for anyone that ever needs this capability, or whether this whole serialization idea makes sense included in Struts.

I guess the argument can be made that it hasn't been asked about a whole lot on the users list (that I've seen anyway, in fact only once), and therefore including it in Struts probably doesn't make sense.

On the other hand, is it a fundamental enough concept that including it does make sense?

I think this is a question to answer because I don't see this being possible without changes to the existing taglibs, not in the way I'm thinking of it and have described it here anyway, and so it's not something I can really go off and do on my own as an add-on to Struts (I mean, certainly I could create a modified HTML taglib to include this functionality, but I don't like forking in general).

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