Seams that Chain is only for Struts 1.2 ?
or 1.3, which is based on Servlet2.2

I believe that we reached consensus that it would be ok to move Struts 1.3 to depend on Servlet 2.3. Work on Struts 1.3 is blocked on the release of a GA 1.2.x Struts so as to minimize any need to apply patches across both branches.

Looking at, is it true that we are just waiting for commons-validator 1.1.4 to be marked "GA"? The other bugs all seem to be marked for 1.3 except one which is underspecified.

Should we somehow annotate this page: to indicate that there isn't going to be a 1.2.5 release? Or should we have a vote on it even though 1.2.6 is brewing?


Joe Germuska [EMAIL PROTECTED] "Narrow minds are weapons made for mass destruction" -The Ex

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