MailReader/Chain is a work-in-progress, which I'll move over to our new Apps 
subproject as soon as 1.2.6 is ready to roll.  (First things first!)

Agility isn't an application, it's a whiteboard, and there isn't any code to 

There will probably be more to add to the cookbook (chapter-chain.html) once 
Mailreader/Chain is complete.


On Fri, 19 Nov 2004 15:07:59 -0700, BaTien Duong wrote:
> Craig:
> Thanks for a good start. The 2 apps under commons-chain seem to be
> built by Ted? Ted, do you have further instructions besides chapter-
> chain.html?
> Thanks.
> BaTien
> Craig McClanahan wrote:
>> On Fri, 19 Nov 2004 13:44:47 -0700, BaTien Duong
>> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>> Greetings:
>>> I want to prototype commons-chain in shale. I saw 2 apps:
>>> agility and mailreader. I was able to build commons-chain.jar
>>> using ant. I modify maven project.xml of the 2 apps and run
>>> maven default successfully. But there is no war file of the
>>> above apps. Look like it has not done anything.
>> I didn't build that part of the commons-chain repository, so I'll
>> have to take a look ... it'll probably be over the weekend.
>>> Could someone show me how to build the 2 apps using commons-
>>> chain? Craig, do you have any preliminary instruction on the
>>> commons-chain in Shale?
>> Let's assume that you have defined the business logic for a
>> particular form submit as a chain named "foo" in the default
>> catalog.  JSF will call the action method for your submit button
>> after validations have been successful, and after all the model
>> values have been updated into your ViewController bean.  So, what
>> you need to do for chain is build up a Context object, and either
>> include the ViewController bean itself (so your business logic
>> can pull stuff out, but that makes it dependent on the
>> ViewController APIs), or pass the data on in some other fashion
>> like a Map.  So, this is only one way to do it:
>> (1) Create a context to use:
>> Context context = new
>> FacesWebContext(FacesContext.getCurrentInstance());
>> (2) Pass in the input field values from your ViewController (this
>> is sorta cheating):
>> context.put("viewController", this);
>> (3) Get an instance of the command and execute it:
>> Command command = CatalogFactory.getInstance().getCommand("foo");
>> command.execute(context);
>> (4) Pull out the logical outcome to be used for navigation and
>> return it: (Assumes your business logic stored something under
>> this attribute)
>> String outcome = (String) context.get("outcome");
>> return outcome;
>> For your business logic, you'll want to model it as either a
>> single Command, or as a Chain -- if you want to make the business
>> logic independent of web tier APIs you'd take the input context
>> argument as a Context and treat it like a Map to get and put
>> stuff.
>> Alternatively, you can cast it to FacesWebContext if you wanted
>> typesafe access to all the extra attributes that defines.
>> To configure your catalog of available commands and chains, you
>> can use the org.apache.commons.chain.web.ChainListener class (a
>> ServletContextListener) to set everything up from XML
>> descriptions, although this is not required.  That's what my
>> examples (and the one in struts-chain) use.
>>> Thanks
>>> BaTien
>> Craig
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