On 7/29/05, Greg Reddin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Jul 29, 2005, at 1:55 AM, Craig McClanahan wrote:
> > It's sort of a different way to look at it, but consider this ...
> > maybe the act of configuring the filter *is* your indication that you
> > want to check for reloads, and lack of the filter would work as things
> > do today (i.e. you have to reload the app to recognize changes).  That
> > way, people who don't care about checking for reloads have zero
> > performance penalty to worry about.
> I wonder if TilesServlet would be better suited as a Filter.  It
> doesn't do anything but make sure the DefinitionsFactory is loaded.  We
> could provide 2 implementations:  one that does the reload check and
> one that doesn't -- or provide a single Filter with a configuration
> param that indicates whether to check or not.

Interesting idea.

In my ideal world, though, I'd use a ServletContextListener instead of
a Servlet to load this stuff, because that is the recommended design
pattern (but we would need to be willing to commit to Servlet 2.3 as
the base platform).  In such a case, we'd still need a filter.

Using a listener gives you another interesting "hack" as an option ...
it's possible to embed a listener registration inside a TLD that is
inside a JAR file, so the act of dropping the JAR into your app also
triggers configuration -- no web.xml changes needed.  (This is what
the JSF RI does, and MyFaces is going to do as well, for example.)

> Greg


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