On 8/8/05, Frank W. Zammetti <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi all,
> I've seen comments for a while now how Maven is better than Ant... just a
> few minutes ago James posted that Maven is "just smart software".  I
> didn't want to hijack that thread, hence this new one.

Good plan, that :-).

My biggest concerns about Maven aren't so much technological (although
I don't personally find the tradeoffs of what I get in stuff that
"just works" versus what I give up in flexibility).  My biggest
concern is what's historically gone on with the Maven community (which
might or might not still be the case ... haven't tried to find out)
vs-a-vs user friendliness and support, but (more currently) the
upcoming Maven1 -> Maven2 migration -- or rewrite, if there isn't any
help being provided.

I don't have any projects I work on that require Maven (since the
Jakarta Commons folks tend to do a "maven ant" and check in the
build.xml file as needed).  Ant is sufficient for my needs, so I'd
prefer to keep my life simpler.  The impact of Ant-based development
on others can be addressed by improving support for downloading
dependencies (yes, that is a feature that Maven provides, but is
certainly not limited to Maven).  Beyond that, Maven doesn't offer me
anything I want that is particularly hard to add to a build script


PS:  And yes, Maven1->Maven2 has a lesson there for all of us
proposing Struts 2 approaches that are not backwards compatible,
without thinking through what the migration story might need to look
like :-).

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