On 8/8/05, Wendy Smoak <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> From: "Craig McClanahan" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > So what should struts-faces do in detail, to avoid a dependency on
> > Struts Core 1.3.x?
> The overall build file doesn't list any 1.3.0-dev dependencies, so they are
> not inherited by Faces.  The dependency was coming from struts-faces' own
> project.xml file, which I just fixed.
> For some reason it was also depending on struts-taglib-1.3.0-dev and
> struts-tiles-1.3.0-dev, neither of which seem to be necessary.  (read: I
> removed them, and it still builds.)

Still builds with Ant?  That's the key for the nightlies.

If it doesn't, we can fix it tomorrow.

> While we're here, are the remaining dependencies correct?
>      myfaces-jsf-api-1.0.8-beta
>      commons-httpclient-2.0.1
>      htmlunit-1.5

The first is an *optional* dependency that can be upgraded to 1.0.9
... but how does Maven deal with the fact that you can compile and use
struts-faces against *either* the JSF RI *or* MyFaces?  This isn't
just an issue of substituting two JAR property definitions:

* MyFaces includes a different set of dependent libraries that need to be
  imported if you're using it.  This is handled in the current build script by
  copying all the libraries from the (configued) distribution library directory
  for your JSF implementation.

* MyFaces requires a servlet <listener> to be defined that the RI doesn't need.
  This is handled in the current build script by Ant hacks that convert a string
  into XML comment characters (or into nothing) based on the presence of a
  particular build property.

(These will also be issues for the global Shale scripts too, but
that's not on the table for a Maven discussion :-).

The latter two dependencies are for testing only -- but HtmlUnit and
Commons HttpClient versions come with their own constellations of
dependencies as well.  The issues are going to be similar -- as will
be the lack of desire (on my part) to figure out what those
dependencies are so I can configure them in the Struts project.xml
files :-).

> I'm going to play with removing the <extend> tag from the Tiles and Faces
> project.xml files, and see if anything breaks.  I don't *think* the Reactor
> cares whether build files extend one another, I think it just recursively
> looks for "project.xml" files.  (And I think all we're really after is the
> documentation for those two projects.)

I bow down to your expertise in this area, which already exceeds mine
... I can only describe the use cases where I ran into things I didn't
have time to see if Maven could handle :-).

> --
> Wendy Smoak


PS:  Interestingly, one of the advantages Martin mentions for Maven
(generates the web site for you) was *not* a particular motivator for
the Struts web site, because we had already invested the pain and
agony to build reasonable stylesheets for transformations from our
xdocs files.  Good thing too ... if we had followed the conventional
wisdom at the time (Anakia) we would still not be done converting :-).

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