On 8/28/05, Duong BaTien <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I am sorry if i offend Frank for using your thread instead of creating a
> new one. But my question is also slightly related to the ViewController
> and i am also using Shale. The thread also addresses to all, especially
> Craig, so i think it may be appropriate. I do not want to create a new
> thread since it seems to be so simple. But who know that only Craig can
> answer it just like my question about container-authenticated login
> using Shale.

It can be considered an appropriate question for the list, but
netiquette still says it should be asked on a separate thread.  The
topic is totally different from Frank's question, which boils down to
"how can I do what a view controller does for me without Shale".

Shale (or pure JSF, for that matter) has *no* facilities directly
related to container managed authentication.  That doesn't mean you
cannot use them together ... it's just that doing so is you combining
the technologies, not the CMA facility leveraging JSF (or vice versa).

> The question was asked in myfaces user list but i do not get any
> response. In essence, is there any way to assign a target window name
> either under Jsf or shale to your first forward page? Here is what i
> have tried but it does not seem to work:

You cannot assign a window target, even on a non-authentication based
request, using a RequestDispatcher.forward().  The *client* has to ask
for the result of a request to be returned to a particular target ...
the server has no portable (individual browsers might give you back
doors, like a custom HTTP header) way to control or influence that

So, you're going to have to do two things:

* Make your client do another request

* Make the client ask for that result with a "target" attribute set.

I'm afraid I don't do enough with frames or multiple windows to know
how to do this off the top of my hand, but any solution that works
with pure JSP pages will most likely also work with JSF (and therefore
with Shale).


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