On 8/30/05, Wendy Smoak <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Craig wrote:
> > This change means that we could modify the <get> command in the Ant
> > build.xml file too, so that Tiles isn't a special case, right? It would
> > just
> > be processed by "download-dependencies" like everything else.
> Yes, you can get rid of the copy-tiles task and pull the
> tiles-core-SNAPSHOT.jar from http://cvs.apache.org/repository/tiles/jars/.

Cool. I'll go ahead and do that tonight before going to bed.

I have some more changes to the Maven build files, I'm waiting for the JSF
> RI to show up on ibiblio. Wilfred Springer (@sun) has submitted the api 
> jar
> file already and expects to be able to submit the implementation jar as
> well.
> http://jira.codehaus.org/browse/MAVENUPLOAD-498

It turns out that my Sun-internal nudge was quite timely to what was already 
the plan :-). 

> Wendy


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