On 9/26/05, Sean Schofield <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Craig,
> I am using a explicity defined converter and everything is converting
> fine through the Process Validations phase. Its during Update Model
> phase that things go funky. Converters don't matter at this point do
> they?

No ... by that time, the converted value will have been stored with
setLocalValue(), which should be of the appropriate data type to be stored
during Update Model Values.

I think there might be a bug in MyFaces
> (http://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/MYFACES-623). When I examined
> the ValueBindingImpl using my debugger it showed that it was
> specifically trying to coerce the value to class associated with
> java.lang.String.

Hmm ... what does the RI do?

It looks like PropertyResolverImpl in MyFaces is checking if
> StatusImpl is an instanceof Map when it should be checking the result
> of StatusImpl.getData(). If it were checking the right object then
> we'd be ok (because the class that it tries to coerce to is the
> object's class.)

Yah, the base object should be of type StatusImpl for the *first* property
resolution (dialog.data) but not for the second (data['foo']).



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