On 4/14/06, James Mitchell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I spent some time yesterday looking at what's left wrt the sample apps.

Thanks. :)

> struts-mailreader
>   - good to go
> (Does the web tests work for this yet?)

They're done with Canoo Webtest, right?  I didn't find a m2 plugin for
it, but we could probably do it with the antrun plugin.  (See
action/apps for an example that copies files.  It should be in a
profile with id 'perform-itest' so it runs with the others, and not
during the normal build.)

And so far I have this to deploy all the apps and make sure the index
page for each one will load:


> I also spent some time looking at the site docs.  They all seemed to
> run ok, and although I had to run the top level separately from
> action1, they look fine.
> So, what's next?

Pasted from an earlier message:

I think Struts Action needs a 'top level' site:
struts/action/trunk/src/site/*.  If that were published to
s.a.o/struts-action, then struts-core, struts-taglib, etc., could go
below it.  (For example:
http://struts.apache.org/struts-shale/shale-tiger/ ).

... Each pom needs a <distributionManagement>/<site> section with the
correct path.  (See struts/pom/pom.xml for an example.)

I'd like to move the src/conf and conf/java files into
src/main/resources and remove the <resource> tags from the pom, also.

>From the chat log...

Yes, there's an archetype for Struts Blank in the sandbox.  It
probably needs some work, removing the Tiles dependency and changing
struts-action -> struts-core, but otherwise it can come up to


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