Copying from a separate thread....cause I thought I had deleted this thread -- doh!

After thinking about this a little more, would it make sense to test this under our svn so that the commit msgs are sent as usual and we can keep an eye things. The term 'subversion shelves' comes to mind [0].

I remember as Wendy (and others?) were working on the one over in the test repository, there was no way to know (other than updating from svn) what was changing. A simple mail filter will eliminate the commit msgs if people consider it spam.

Your thoughts?

[0] Shelving_and_Branching.aspx

James Mitchell

On Apr 20, 2006, at 10:58 AM, James Mitchell wrote:

We should probably do this over in a test repository and make sure it will do what we want. Similar to what was done for MyFaces and Action1.

Your thoughts?

James Mitchell

On Apr 19, 2006, at 10:35 PM, Sean Schofield wrote:

I'd love to see Shale move to M2.  I'll try to help with the limited
Maven knowledge that I have gleaned from the MyFaces experience.  I'd
recommend starting out with a proposed hierarchy and set of artifiacts
as a starting point.  See if we can get the basics squared away first
before sweating the javadocs.


On 4/15/06, Craig McClanahan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
On 4/15/06, Brett Porter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

are the apis with the other javadoc going to be in a separate module? This should make it easy to produce javadoc from there, and then go on
to produce the aggregated javadoc for the others.

Ideally not. It's already going to be painful to split up the core-library package (which now produces several JAR files) into separate modules solely
because Maven likes one artifact per module.

Shale publishes information on API stability ( that also includes
a column describing who should be using the APIs in each package ...
application developers or those wanting to extend the framework. That is the basis on which I would want to split the javadocs, but they would also be based on combining back together all the application-related APIs and all
the framework-related APIs back together again.

- Brett


On 4/16/06, Wendy Smoak <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
On 4/15/06, James Mitchell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Craig wrote
I'll want to experiment with ways to get combined javadocs out of
these artifacts (although probably two sets ...

Can we do this with custom assemblies?

Without trying it, I don't think so, because it's more than just
copying files around. The Javadoc tool needs to create the frames and
indexes so that everything is linked together.

I think it will need two <reportSet>s, so the Javadoc plugin runs
twice with different configuration. Maybe something like this, which
runs both the regular Javadoc doclet and the UMLGraph one:

And here's a link to some work that I did last year, which includes pom.xml files and a script to rearrange Shale into Maven 2's preferred structure. I stopped in late November, so it doesn't include Shale
Tiger or anything after that.


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