On 4/25/06, Frank W. Zammetti <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Yes, I considered doing that... but as my proposal was specifically *for*
> the community, I felt it important to put the most number of eyeballs on
> it as possible.
> You know, perhaps we need *three* mailing lists... one for devs, one for
> users who just want questions answered, and one for the "community", those
> that want to be involved in shaping things but that aren't committers. :)


> I guess this is one way that I've never quite "got it", as Craig says :)
> I view the community as being larger than just those contributing.  While
> I have no problem affording something "more" to those that contribute, I
> think those simply using the product have a stake in it.  They can of
> course choose to ignore that stake, but they can exercise interest if they
> wish.
> For me, the community would be "anyone who has an active interest in how
> the project develops".

There! You've said it. That exactly describes the purpose of the dev@ list.
So, now, why again do we need the three lists you mention above? ;-)

Martin Cooper

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