On 5/3/06, Wendy Smoak <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

We need to release version 2 of the struts-parent pom:

* http://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/struts/maven/trunk/pom/pom.xml


I didn't really give the role thing any thought before, but I wonder if
perhaps it should be additive? Meaning, for example:

           <role>PMC Member</role>

rather than replacing 'Committer' with 'PMC Member'? Just a thought - no big

Martin Cooper

This is the parent pom from which struts-action-parent inherits, and
it needs to be released prior to the Struts Action 1.3.3 test build.

Changes since v1 include:
- Addition of the issues and commits mailing lists
- New PMC members Sean and Greg

Once again I need to shorten the vote period in order to get this
published in advance of the test build.  Sorry, I'll start earlier
next time. :)  The vote will close in 48 hours, on Friday at 8:30 pm
PST (GMT -7).

Here's my +1.


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