I still need to provide detailed instructions (ya, it's on my todo list :) ),
but basically, just do this:
 - build and deploy the struts-blank.war sample app

       $ mvn package cargo:start

(This will package and deploy struts-blank on localhost:8080.
It assumes you have run 'mvn install' once from the top to buildthe
jars, and that  cargo.tomcat5x.home is set.  See the
StrutsMaintenanceMaven wiki page for more info.)

Then in another console window:

 - cd to this dir
 - $mvn test

I tried...

$ mvn test
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] Failed to resolve artifact.

1) com.spikesource:testgen4web-translator:jar:0.3-SNAPSHOT

Fix: Add your m2 repo in <repositories>/<repository> in addition to
the existing <pluginRepository>.  (I tried it without the <dependency>
but I got a different error.)

You'll see the dependencies downloaded and the test generated and run.
You'll also see the output as the test proceeds (assertions, etc), which
 is part of the underlying TestGen4Web sysouts.

I see "skip testing for title!" in the output [1].  It doesn't appear
to be checking-- I changed the blank-verify-welcome.xml file to the
wrong title, and the test still passes.

Thanks. :)

[1] http://wiki.wsmoak.net/cgi-bin/wiki.pl?TestGen4Web/Output


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