Ted Husted wrote:
On 5/5/06, Michael Jouravlev <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

The current versioning/naming system will force them, because it does
not make distinction between Classic and WebWork. Most users and/or
their managers know that higher version number means newer and better
product. Which is why I preferred "Classic" name for 1.x codebase. I
think that before 2.0 and 1.3 are released, it is still possible to
reconsider the names. That is, if 1.3 is still considered worth
working on.

Evidentally, Don, Wendy, Martin, James, and I all feel that 1.3 is a
worthwhile endeavor, since we all voted to support the Struts Action
1.3.2 beta release. A lot of work went into 1.3.x, and much of it
happened long after 2.0 was announced.

I have a couple of comments to make about this.

First of all, presumably the whole motivation of this "merger" is that you could unite your energies on a common framework. If there is still ongoing work on 2 different frameworks, it kind of belies the whole point of the merger, doesn't it?

Now, my understanding of the point that Michael Jouravlev was making is that, once you label something as version n+1 of something, you are basically putting out the message that version n is superseded. Typically, verseion n+1 of a product supersedes version n. I may be an excessively simple-minded guy, but if I hit a website and can download FooBar version 1, or FooBar version 2, I guess I'll go with version 2. I will also just assume that all new development is on version 2, not version 1.

What would a casual observer make of this? You "merge" with a competing framework in order to combine your efforts (i.e. not disperse your efforts on 2 different products as before) and you label Webwork as Struts Action 2 when the existing product is version 1. I put it to you that, on the basis of this, nobody with common sense would count on any further development of Struts 1.x taking place. People will just naturally draw the conclusion that Struts 1.x development is being abandoned. If it was not your intent for people to think that, then you chose a very strange product naming strategy.

Now, even if, contrary to all outward appearances, this conclusion is wrong, and you guys really do intend to further develop Struts 1.x, how much credibility do you have on this as things stand?

Throughout most of the past 4 years, Struts 1.x was the only thing called Struts and was presumably the only real focus of development of Struts committers. However, development stagnated. To tell people that there is going to be any significant development on that codebase now, when it is competing for attention with another codebase (labelled version 2 of same (!)) is asking people to believe quite a bit.

But in any case, if whatever project management practices that were followed over the last few years continue to be followed without considering any changes at all, why should a rational person expect results any different than what there has been over the past few years? This would be a valid question IMO even if there was no merger with Webwork and no Shale.

If you continue with the exact same approach, which has yielded rather poor results, and besides that, you don't bring in new people to work on Struts 1.x, why should one expect anything much to come out of it?

My sense of things is that you should either just forthrightly tell people that Struts 1.x development is being abandoned. Or, if it isn't, you should immediately offer to bring in people who are interested in working on it. Obviously Frank Zammetti is interested. I suspect that Phil Zoio would be interested. Probably other people too.

But as things are, the contradictory message you are emitting just seems outrageous. To prevent people who are able and willing to work on Struts 1.x from getting actively involved, and all the while emit confused messages claiming that Struts 1.x is not really being abandoned, surely this is a bit much for even people around here to swallow, isn't it?

Jonathan Revusky
lead developer, FreeMarker project, http://freemarker.org/

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