#1) There are some problems with the release notes:
Compare "What's New" in the 1.2.4 docs to how it's listed in 1.3.4:

Notice how the separate paragraphs which introduce the new features
are smashed altogether in one.

#2) The "Apache Struts" item in the horizontal menu bar always
links to /struts-action/, never the home page. 

#3) Why no Struts logo in the /struts-action/ directory?
That's my favorite way of getting back to Struts home.

#4) No release notes for 1.2.9


Also the 

--- Michael Jouravlev <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> On 5/8/06, Wendy Smoak <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Please continue reviewing the 1.3.3 test build and reporting issues:
> >  * http://cvs.apache.org/dist/struts/action/v1.3.3/
> >
> > Are there any comments on the included website docs?
> Did you mean docs included with the distro, or docs on live website?
> Just couple of notes on the live website:
> Main Struts page [1] has top menu with "Apache | Action 1 | Action 2 |
> Shale" links. This is ok.
> Shale page [2] has no top menu.
> Action 1 top menu has "The Apache Software Foundation | Apache Struts
> | Apache | Action 1 | Action 2 | Shale" where 1st and 3rd point to the
> same page, while Action 1 link is not needed. The header as well as
> other sections reads "Welcome to Struts Action Framework" instead of
> "Welcome to Struts Action 1 Framework" (I can only restate that
> naming, which includes version numbers, sucks. Struts Classic was
> better. What if WW remains Struts 2, but SAF1 will become Struts
> Classic, and everyone will be happy?).
> Struts Apps section has no links (should it?). Oh, just noticed the
> "Apps" section in the left menu. I am not sure that I like that the
> left menu can totally change depending on the subproject. I would
> prefer it to stay full, and to open only item that relates to current
> subproject. Currently, say, you get to Struts Cookbook. The left menu
> contains:
> "Project Documentation
>     * About Struts Action - Apps - Cookbook
>     * Project Info
>     * Project Reports"
> And that's it. How you got there? How to get to other parts of the
> site if you got there from, say, Google search? There is no page
> crumbs, and the top menu contains only one item: "Struts Action - Apps
> - Cookbook", which points to the current page, thus, meaningless.
> Overall, navigation on Struts site got very cumbersome. Anyway,
> individual pages for "Apps" section has only one paragraph of
> boilerplate text.
> Struts Extras section has no links... Oh, I guess I got the pattern:
> the related links appear _on top_ of "Components" section like "FAQs
> and HOWTOs * Dispatching And Validating" for Extras. Well, and
> sometime below it as well. This is very unintuitive.
> [1] http://struts.apache.org/
> [2] http://struts.apache.org/struts-shale/index.html
> Ah, tired :)
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