On 5/14/06, Don Brown <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
If, in six months with 100% dedicated committers willing to
do whatever it takes and a codebase that is stable and proven, we can't
push out a GA release, we have a serious problem.

First, six months of effort would be a record. Typically, the process
has taken 18 to 24 months. Whether the process is fast or slow, the
process has been successful. We all have a lot of very stable
applications in production. What grassroots engineers say over and
over again is that Struts Action 1 works just fine for them, and what
we all want most in SAF1 is more stable, problem-free releases.

Second, the 1.3.4 build is broken. Leaving the DTD unregistered could
cause problems for any developer without a live internet connection.
It will also put undue stress on intranets, and even on our own
infrastructure. It's a technical error that should be corrected.

Third, I'm not a fan of this notion that we should be able to "push
out a GA release" at will. There has not even been a public Beta of
1.3 yet. Why are we so eager to publish a GA, when we have not even
circulated a Beta for wider field-testing?

It's cool that Struts Action 1.3 works for us. But, most days, the
nightly builds work for us too. A GA should mean that we *know* it
works for the wider user community too. Most ASF projects seem to go
through an average three or four betas between GA's. How can we say
anything is ready for GA when we haven't even published a Beta yet?


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