Well, there is a link to the upgraders wiki page in the Release Notes,
so it's "incorporated by reference." I added a bullet to help
emphasize the link.

One reason the content on the updgrader pages is so useful is because
it's easy for developers to update it. The other documenation is kept
in XML, and if we changed the format, we'd probably reduce feedback.
Likewise, if we put some of it under XML, we'd end up with two
versions of the page to manage.

Projects like WebWork and Geronimo, among others, have been
experimenting with making wiki docs the "first-class documentation"
that is bundled with the distribution. Wiki's like Confluence have
some nice export capabilities, which opens the door to exporting the
wiki into HTML. Geronimo is experiment with continuous automatic
exports of Confluence pages, so that we can have the beneifts of a
wiki and the efficiency of static HTML.

WebWork/Action2 also uses a "snippet" macro to incorporate text from
Javadocs and example programs directly into the wiki pages. I'm a big
fan of this idea, since it will let us dual-use some of the very
excellent Javadocs we already have.

The big downside right now is that Confluence edits are atomic to each
page. We can't make batch updates, which creates a lot of email churn
when making sweeping changes. Instead of one email overviewing changes
to a dozen pages, we all get a dozen individual emails :(

There's also ongoing work in backing a wiki with Subversion, so that
you could commit changes from the SVN CLI or TortoiseSVN, instead of
plowing through the web interface.

In the meantime, yes, we should continue to look for places where we
can cross-reference the wiki with the static documentation and try to
make sure those links are as visible as possible. But, we would want
to be careful what we move from the wiki to the static pages, since
the static pages are harder to maintaine.


On 5/16/06, Paul Benedict <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
I think it would be a good idea if we either linked or transfered
some content from the Wiki pages to the user guide.

For instance, I just read the upgrade notes on 1.2.9 on the wiki
and it is fabulous. Those kind of things should be first-class
documents in our website.

Any thoughts about this proposal?

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