On 6/19/06, James Mitchell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

My questions would have been about the POM
changes that Sean eluded to during our mini hackathon.  I could be
wrong, but I thought he said there would be an issue with something
we needed and it not being published yet and that may or may not have
stemmed from a private conversation you may or may not have had over
IM.  Sorry, the details are still a little cloudy.  Forget about it
for now, I'm sure if it's a problem we'll know as soon as we begin
adding more projects to Continuum.

I'm sure it was about changing the struts-parent pom to version
3-SNAPSHOT.  I hadn't incremented it after the v2 release, so when
Sean made a change to it, there was the potential of someone
publishing a different v2 than the one on ibiblio.  I commented on the
commit message on the list, then caught Sean on IM to make sure he saw

There is a snapshot available:

The sub-project parent poms can be changed to depend on this version,
and we'll need to tag and vote on struts-parent v3 after we add the
new committers and make any other necessary changes.

If Frank's checkstyle changes are acceptable, we'll also need to
release another struts-build.jar.

(Depending on the SAF 1.3.5 schedule, it might need to stay on the
current released versions.)


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