On Jun 20, 2006, at 12:45 PM, Martin Cooper wrote:

On 6/20/06, James Mitchell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Craig and I were discussing a few offline items and one thing that
came up was how we currently publish the nightlies.  We agree that
this is best discussed in public, so here I am :)

Currently the nightly build can be found (or will be) on minotaur
(people.apache.org) under /builds/struts.  For years the builds were
done on Craig's personal machine, which would be scp'd up to minotaur
and everything moved happily along for a while.  Then, as the svn
reorg occurred and we sort-of began moving to a Maven 1 based build,
I was using my personal machine to build and upload the maven-built
artifacts to the same place.

The only problem with the "using a personal machine" approach is that
if some dependency changed (with the Ant based build), then, due to
the way our build files worked, Craig had to make the manual change
on his personal machine.  However, with Maven (1 and 2), everything
is declarative in the pom.xml, and so unless there's some weird bug
in a current plugin or if the POM now needs a later plugin version,
there really isn't a need to touch the machine or the local

Later, I moved this process off my personal machine and used my
account on the zone to build and scp over to minotaur the same way.
This was an improvement in reliability, but we still have the problem
that this was *my* account and not just anyone could fix it if there
was a problem.

Looking back ... in and of itself, the actual location of the build
is insignificant with regard to authenticity or security.  Anyone
with an Apache account can upload anything they like to (almost)
wherever they like.  And so long as the build requirements or
dependencies didn't change, everything went along like clockwork.

Fast forward to June 2006, here we are with more or less 4 Maven 2
based projects, each with multiple artifacts.

I see our options as:

Build using:
1) personal machine
2) zone (personal account)
3) zone (shared account, i.e. mrstruts)

Users download from:
a) minotaur
b) zone

Currently we are a mixture of 1a and 3a.  Also, 3b isn't really a
viable option because someone would have to use their private key for
that shared account (so the scp process would work).

You mean 3a isn't viable, right? 3b wouldn't require scp at all, would it?

Wow, I guess it was later than I thought. Yes, I meant to say we are currently using a mixture of 1a and 2a. And that 3a isn't really a viable option.

If b is used/allowed, then it makes the most sense to go with 3b, so everyone can help with fixes and updates.

Furthermore, I had always assumed that hosting nightlies from the
zone was out of the question.  Is that not the case?

I don't know. I think it would be worth a ping to infra, since I would think
this would be the best option.

I'll wait to see how everyone else feels before moving further on this. I am assuming that no news means everyone agrees and has no problems with the current path.

Either way, I can see one other approach.  3a with the ability of a
few people to su to root, then su to the personal account (e.g.
jmitchell) and fix whatever.

I suppose, although this would mean we'd have to hand out root more than I'd

There's also a discussion going on in various places about a machine named
vmbuild, which is intended as a build machine for all (?) projects. I
haven't been paying close attention, but perhaps we should engage there?

Ya, I've seen a few mentions of it on infra, but not completely sure of what the intent is. They do talk about a shared Continuum on it though. Not sure if we'd want to take advantage of it, now that we've got our own :)

So, I'm waiting to hear what others think as far as where and how nightlies get published.

Martin Cooper

James Mitchell

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