On 10/6/06, Ted Husted <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

The reason I ask is that our 2.0.1 release will be tied to whatever
version moniker that XWork uses. If tomorrow's XWork release is tagged
as "beta", and that cannot change for that set of bits, then the 2.0.1
release will also be forever beta.

Struts 2 also has a dependency on a snapshot of Tiles 2, so by that
logic you're stuck at Alpha for Struts 2.0.1.

This policy of grading a release at the lowest common denominator
doesn't seem to be working out all that well.  Different parts of the
distribution have different levels of 'quality' so to speak.  If you
have an experimental plugin, that's no reason to downgrade the core.

Speaking of that Tiles 2 dependency, we need to deploy a snapshot with
a fixed version number (such as 20061006-SNAPSHOT) so that future
snapshots of Tiles 2 don't break Struts 2.0.1 for Maven users.


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