On Oct 11, 2006, at 1:12 PM, David H. DeWolf wrote:

I'd like to implement the ability to load tiles definitions from the classpath in addition to from the servlet/portlet context. I'm curious about implementation choices:

1) Add the support to the current ServletTilesContext and PortletTilesContext through a standard base class and/or ResourceLoader. This is probably the way to go if class loader loading of definitions will be considered a standard feature. It would be my first choice.

I like the idea but I think you're on the wrong track to look at TilesContext. TilesContext is just a generic interface for storing information about the context in which Tiles is running. Some type of web context is assumed.

The primary interfaces for creating Tiles definitions are org.apache.tiles.DefinitionsFactory and org.apache.tiles.DefinitionsReader. The DefinitionsFactory is responsible for storing the sources where definitions come from and storing definitions. DefinitionsReader is responsible for reading definition data in a specific format from each source and returning them as ComponentDefinition objects.

So, for example, we have an UrlDefinitionsFactory that stores a list of URLs as the sources for definitions. We also have the DigesterDefinitionsReader that expects the sources to point to XML files and can read XML definitions.

If you wanted to store your definitions in a database you might write a JDBCDefinitionsReader that would read definitions from a database. If you want to store XML files on the classpath you might write a ClassloaderDefinitionsFactory that works with the classloader to load definitions files. Or... you might find that you can do it with existing code by using the UrlDefinitionsFactory and getting the URLs from the classloader instead of from servlet context. In this case you might have to create a new TilesListener that reads a classloader instead of or in addition to the servlet context. These things should work interchangeably. The Reader shouldn't care how definitions were loaded. It only works with definitions stored in a particular format. Likewise, the Factory shouldn't care what format the definitions are in. It simply knows where to get them. No specific reader implementation or factory implementation should have any dependency on the other. If they do, then we haven't implemented it correctly.

Additionally, what are people's thoughts about wildcard handling for the resource definitions files. Is this a feature others are interested in?

This sounds like a good idea also.


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