I wonder if it would be possible to provide the combined <tiles:insert> tag as well for people who are porting applications. There are two questions that come to mind: 1) Have we already made porting to Tiles 2 a non-trivial task by all the changes we've made, and 2) are we ready for the barrage of support questions about how to convert an application?

I want to make it easy for users to switch, but I also want to make improvements where we can. It's a hard tightrope to walk.


On Oct 31, 2006, at 9:43 AM, <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Antonio Petrelli asked:

[EMAIL PROTECTED] ha scritto:
Antonio Petrelli wrote:

In the Struts Users and Shale Users mailing lists we (Greg and I)
encountered several people confused by the different meaning of
<tiles:insert>, so we decided to specialize this tag in
different tags,
I chose only the names.
And I don't think that anyone used <tiles:insert> to insert a
in a case, a template in another case, or an attribute in a
third case.
The split removes the confusion.

Or moved it.  I'm certainly confused.

Sorry, what do you mean?

Just that the confusion seems to have moved from the people who found a single <tiles:insert> tag confusing to me, who finds a proliferation of <tiles:insert*> tags confusing. Likely if I were using Tiles 2, I would
learn to get used to it.  On the other hand, the fact that it will be
more work to port a Tiles 1 app to Tiles 2 will likely delay that

Oh well. Que sera, sera. I don't have the time, right now, to go back
through the list archives to understand the advantages of this change.

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