On Oct 31, 2006, at 3:10 PM, David H. DeWolf wrote:

I'm wondering why the ComponentDefinitions interface has been exposed outside of the DefinitionsFactory. To me, this class seems like an implementation detail of the factory itself, and it should not be exposed.

If you look back at Tiles 1 you'll see that DefinitionsFactory and its descendants pretty much contained all of the functionality that we've separated into DefintionsFactory and ComponentDefinitions. It was both a factory and a container if you will. This was especially true if you drilled down into xmlDefinitions and the classes under that. A lot of core Tiles functionality was embedded deep into the XML version of the implementation and not exposed on the API.

Let's keep in mind the value of separation of concerns. I don't think we want the factory to do too much. Remember what the purpose of a factory is - to create objects and nothing more. I think anything beyond the creation and storage of definitions should be delegated outside the factory so that if someone wants to override the creation and storage functionality, but wants to keep other pieces in place they can do that. See further comments below:

1) Encapsulate the refresh logic in the DefinitionsFactory. The filter will change to:

if(factory.refreshRequired()) {
    // replace refresh logic with a call
    // to the factory, removing the reference
    // to ComponentDefinitions

I'm OK with this because it still seems related to "factory" like code to me. The factory is being used for manufacturing and repair in this case :-) That doesn't bother me.

2) TilesUtilImpl only exposes the ComponentDefinitions in order to allow the Filter (#1) to access them. This reference can easily be removed.

This is true, but TilesUtilImpl is likely going to be replaced by our container API. So maybe the container API replaces ComponentDefinitions. That's really what ComponentDefinitions was created for - to separate container logic from creation logic. So, if the container exposes everything that's currently being taken care of by ComponentDefinitions I'm cool with it. But, again, I want to avoid a monolithic API that does too much. We need to find the sweet spot of APIs that are small and manageable, but yet complete.

3) Encapsulate the hierarchy resolution within the DefinitionsFactory, allowing the resolution to occur during initialization.

Looking at ComponentDefinitions right now, it provides APIs to add definitions, get definitions, and resolve inheritances (and some ancillary things that might just be side effects). DefinitionsFactory has APIs to get and read definitions. There's some overlap, redundancy, and perhaps misplaced responsibilities. I do think we need to rethink some things, but I'm not convinced that dumping it all into the factory is the right thing to do.

Maybe we can back up a bit, identify the core responsibilities, and decide where each one fits between the factory, the container, and whatever else.


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