On 11/13/06, Ted Husted <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I was tempted to put the WW folder under 2.x, but this way, it's
easier to switch back and forth between Brutus and the live site.

I think it belongs under 2.x.

We've said we will host the archived website for GA versions.  How is
that going to work if the exported docs aren't underneath 2.x?

The main problem I'm having is searching all of the Struts 2
documentation.  Google's site search only allows one URL, for example
"action site:struts.apache.org/2.x".  (I tried using site: twice and
using delimiters with no luck.) [1] [2]

[1] Actually it doesn't look like the exported site is getting indexed at all:

[2] The Google site search on the s2 documentation wiki uses
'site:struts.apache.org' which brings back too much unrelated
information about 1.x


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