On 2/21/07, Paul Benedict <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I can't even make that assumption in Struts? I should be able to assume
how the Struts Chain works for a Struts Command. But in terms of a
solution, what do you suggest? I find it implausible there is no way for
a command to perform first-time initialization in Struts.

Why do you need to "check" for initialization?

Without knowing more about the situation, (and it's been a long time
since I worked with this,) I would suggest putting one-time
initialization in a ServletContextListener.  Then, later, the commands
can simply assume that the setup has been done.  (Usually, that
something is available in application scope through the chain
context.)  If not, something has gone wrong, and you throw an
exception or set an error message.

(I never got very far with Spring + Commons Chain, but as Antonio
suggests, that could be  another option.)


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