2007/12/17, Don Brown <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> On 12/17/07, Antonio Petrelli <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > The Struts 2/Tiles 2 plugin does not depend on tiles-jsp, so I suppose
> that
> > it isn't there...
> Hmm...this is kinda a bigger issue - should our assembly contain all
> the files for the frameworks that the plugin provides support for?  We
> don't include every Spring jar or a JSF framework with our JSF plugin.
> I'd lean towards not including jars we don't have to - our downloads
> are big enough (some would say 100 megs for a web framework with 2
> real dependencies is a bit overkill).

I don't think that Tiles is a "bigger" issue: The S2/T2 plugin has a compile
dependency on tiles-core (that, in turn, depends on tiles-api), but
tiles-jsp is necessary for a typical use.

> I don't like the approach. I think it is best to create assemblies on your
> > local machine by removing all the unneeded dependencies to clean up the
> pom
> > and the assembly descriptors, until the assemblies are exactly the same
> as
> > they were before your intervention.
> > After that, we could discuss the removal of dependencies and jars from
> the
> > distributions.
> Fair enough, I guess we prefer different approaches here.  Since the
> assembly didn't work before, it is hard to compare, but I pulled down
> 2.0.11 so I'll use that.

In fact, when I wrote "before your intervention" I meant that the assemblies
to test should be the ones that you can create locally by using the source
at the moment before your intervention. This because, for example, the
source distribution has been cleaned up from the libraries by a previous
issue resolution.

Anyway, your effort is great :-)


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